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CA Final Video Lectures Classes


  • 0 Students Enrolled
  • By CA Vijay Sarda
  1. Most Dynamic & Dedicated faculty of INDIA
  2. Most preferred faculty for CA Inter & CA Final.
  3. Teaching experience 10+ years & visiting faculty in various prominent institutions
  4. Taught more than 1,00,000 students [10,000+ students for AY 21-22]
  5. Member of ICAI & qualified company secretary.
  6. Author of over 8 books on taxation and international taxation
  7. Tax consultant of big export/import companies. He is always available for Advice, related to CA course and beyond the course.

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CA Vijay Sarda

CA Vijay Sarda is a highly regarded expert in the fields of CA and CS Tax. He is widely recognized as one of the most dynamic and dedicated faculty members in the area of Direct Tax. He teaches Direct Tax and International Taxation to students at the CA Final Level, as well as Direct Tax for those studying for the CA Inter.


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A pioneer of both the credit card industry and automated teller machines, Citibank – formerly the City Bank of New York.

A pioneer of both the credit card industry and automated teller machines, Citibank – formerly the City Bank of New York – was regarded as an East Coast equivalent to Wells Fargo during the 19th century.

Bank of America has 4,265 branches in the country, only about 700 fewer than Chase. It started as a small institution serving immigrants in San Francisco.

With $1.8 trillion in consolidated assets, Bank of America is second on the list. Its headquarters in Charlotte, North Carolina, singlehandedly makes that city one of the biggest financial centers in the country.

This Course Includes
  • Most Dynamic & Dedicated faculty of INDIA
  • Most preferred faculty for CA Inter & CA Final.
  • Teaching experience 10+ years & visiting faculty in various prominent institutions
  • Taught more than 1,00,000 students [10,000+ students for AY 21-22]
  • Member of ICAI & qualified company secretary.
  • Author of over 8 books on taxation and international taxation
  • Tax consultant of big export/import companies. He is always available for Advice, related to CA course and beyond the course.